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…..  FREE – Tip sheet: 5 Stress Busting Tips You Can Use Today!

Get energized, be productive while achieving your goals and stay healthy

Also, join our FREE Facebook group Seeking Happiness

Break Through the Shackles of Chronic Disease !

Prime and train your Brain to Recover Faster & Live a Fuller Life

Have you had a heart attack, cardiac bypass, stents or are at high risk for heart disease? You’re in the right place! This site provides information that will help you and your family. Discover the mind-body connection in  heart disease & chronic illness. Get the latest powerful brain science and mind-body tips to empower yourself, reduce stress and speed-up your recovery.

 Overcome Fear and Build Resilience When Faced With Serious Illness

Discover The Effect of Negative and Toxic Thoughts On Your Body

Understand the Mind-Body Connection for Better Health

Dr. Arathi Rao helps heart patients achieve hope & lasting recovery without fear, anxiety, and sleepless nights by using her neuroscience-based EMPOWER process so that they can live life on their terms with fulfillment

One-on-one and group coaching. [Special rates for veteran & essential worker groups]

Condition Your Brain For Life, Career, or Business Success !

Are you an individual or a small business owner ‘stuck’ in exhausting, frustrating, unproductive work weeks on a consistent basis? Do you feel like your foot is on the gas pedal but you’re not going forward? Does it feel like you have fallen into a rut in your life, career, or business?

There is a way out!

Working with a success coach can help you to break through your inner blocks, enjoy your business, and your life without feeling overwhelmed.

You see, a majority of people & business owners have the knowledge and know-how to make progress in their lives and businesses. However, it’s the inner game that needs to shift, to achieve maximum potential & success.

Imagine being energized and productive while achieving your dreams effortlessly!

This can be achieved by acquiring & using the tools to overcome inner blocks, aligning your values, building on your strengths, and empowering yourself to make fundamental shifts in yourself and your business.

Working with Dr. Arathi Rao will help you to:

♥ Condition your brain, using neuroscience-based tools for life & business success

♥ Activate your left frontal lobe, so you think and act with confidence

♥ Break free from subconscious limiting beliefs, destructive habits and sabotaging behaviors that are preventing you from taking your life & business to the next level

♥ and a lot more…






♥ Public workshops, Training & Online coaching

♥ CMEs for physicians & healthcare professionals

♥ Keynote speaker





♥ Author & Speaker: Co-authored book with Jack Canfield, Donald Trump & others.

♥ Radio & TV guest appearances




♥ Health, Success and Life Coaching (via. Phone & Skype)

Featured on PBS WHYY  Channel-12,Heart Moments

  • Book
  • Media


I have co-authored, along with Jack Canfield and other luminaries, a powerful book called How the Fierce Handle Fear: Secrets to Succeeding in Challenging Times.

My chapter is entitled: “Befriending God” in which I talk about the importance of spirituality in helping us to cope with life’s many challenges, including serious illness.

This chapter outlines my own spiritual journey which began the day my husband was about to undergo an emergency Quintuple Bypass surgery at a young age.

In order to overcome major health issues and live our lives to the fullest, we need to overcome fear, build resilience, and be willing to surrender to a Higher Power. This is easier said than done! However, we all have within us untapped tools and resources that we overlook in our quest to take charge and be in total control of our lives.



Featured in WHYY TV 12/CVI Sponsored Public Service Announcement: “Heart Moments” on “Stress and your Heart”

Interviewed on TV Channel 6-ABC News Special on Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)

Guest speaker at American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” program

Guest speaker at WURD Philadelphia talk radio on Stress, Depression and Heart Disease

With Dr Rao I have learned how to identify stressors and cope with them with effective strategies She is very knowledgeable about the subject, she is well respected in her field, which is highly specialized It has helped develop a greater awareness of how stress itself causes physiological problems in the body and how you can tie the two together The link between the mind and body is prevalent in everything that she does and there is a lot that we can do to better ourselves in that I would recommend Dr Rao for anyone suffering from cardiac issues, or general stress issues

Mark Jones



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A private community for people with heart disease and their families

Use Mind-body & the latest Brain Science techniques to speed-up recovery from heart attack & any other cardiac event

Overcome fear, manage stress and live a healthier life

Or learn ways to reduce your risk for heart disease

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